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a memory

found myself
lost today
miles away
held at bay
by fantasy
you and me
warm embrace
time misplaced
bliss to bliss
endless kiss
a bed abyss
reaching, touching
speaking nothing
seeking, finding
bodies binding
minds unwinding
wanting, needing
hunting, feeding
sound of breathing
pure ecstasy
not a dream
a memory


I’m On A Train

I’m riding on a train.
I’m writing on a train.
I’m doing my best to try to do
some rhyming on a train.
I’m riding on a train.
I’m writhing on a train.
I’m doing my best to try to keep
from whining on a train.

on a train

the wind

the wind burst
into my comfortable room
without any warning
brushing against my skin
jarring me from sleep
waking me to dream

a seductive aroma
hung on its breeze
mouth watering
sinful and sweet
like dark chocolate
i longed for a taste

but the wind withdrew
as quickly as it came
only the memory
of the aroma remains
keeping me wanting
constantly hoping
yearning for the wind’s return
